FPV Drone Racing at GAC

Glenrothes Aeromodelling Club has an active Drone Racing section and members participate in races most Saturday or Sundays

Glenrothes is also the site for some Scottish national competitions and part of a wider multi site competition to determine which pilot will progress to Uk national competitons

Some Picture of Drone Racing at GAC

In Deep Concentration

A Racing Course set up at GAC

Glenrothes is the site for two of these Scottish National competitions this year which will take place on the 4th May and 3rd August this year

The top 3 pilots in the series of these Scottish competitions will travel to BMFA Buckminster in September to take part in the BDRA British Championships.

Sun Shining on GAC

Lets get Racing

                ---------- Interested in Drone Racing then come and join us ----------

Just chilling
